2021 Conference Program

Building Bridges to Healthy & Resilient Communities 2021 Conference Graphic

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Our 2021 virtual statewide school health conference – Building Bridges to Healthy & Resilient Communities – was held online November 2-4, 2021 and co-hosted by REL West

November 2 Keynote: Dr. Shawn Ginwright

A leading innovator, provocateur, and thought leader on African American youth, youth activism, and youth development, Dr. Ginwright is Professor of Education in the Africana Studies Department and a Senior Research Associate at San Francisco State University. His research examines the ways in which youth in urban communities navigate through the constraints of poverty and struggle to create equality and justice in their schools and communities.

November 3 Keynote: Dr. Janine Jones

A Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Education at the University of Washington, Dr. Jones‘ research focuses on providing culturally responsive interventions in schools, including the integration of cultural factors that are associated with resilience in racially diverse youth. Her work also includes the study of identity and belonging as critical elements in school engagement for youth of color. She is a licensed psychologist and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist.

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Jones Intentional Multicultural Interview Schedule (JIMIS)

November 4 Keynote: Dr. Howard Pinderhughes

Social and behavioral scientist and author Dr. Howard Pinderhughes is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California San Francisco. He has conducted research and program development in the areas of race relations among youth and adolescent violence prevention and intervention. His research combines aspects of grounded theory, qualitative methods, survey research, and participatory action research to examine problems related to the impacts of structural inequality, racial, class, and gender dynamics on adolescent health and relations.

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November 4 Closing: Tracy Mendez

California School-Based Health Alliance Executive Director Tracy Mendez delivers a thoughtful reflection on the 2021 statewide school health virtual conference and an update on the state of school-based health care in California.

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