In addition to tracking and working on legislation, the California School-Based Health Alliance works closely with state and federal policymakers to advance legislation, administrative policies, and regulations that support school-based health services. Updates on policy changes that we are tracking and leading are included here.
Sponsored Legislation in 2024
The California School-Based Health Alliance again partnered with Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (57th Assembly District) to co-sponsor Assembly Bill (AB) 2052 – the School-Based Health and Education Partnership Program.
AB 2052 was written to strengthen coordination between the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Education to support school-based health centers. The legislation built upon CSHA’s earlier efforts to pass AB 1940 in 2022 and AB 912 last year.
The bill was referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee in May and was placed on the suspense file. AB 2052 will not advance to the Senate for further consideration.
Children and youth in California need more school-based health centers, and this cannot happen without strong state support. We will continue to pursue our goal to incorporate school-based health centers as part of our state’s investments to increase public health and education equity.
You can see more legislation that we are sponsoring and supporting on our Tracked Legislation page.