Students Thrive When Mental Health Needs Are Met

Teen boy in class








The Mental Health Needs of Children
Are Not Met. Do you agree?

See how we can help your community improve kids’ mental health and school climate.

Mental Health Needs Prevent Students From Succeeding

300,000 California children between the ages of 4-11 have mental health needs, but over 70% never receive treatment. For youth in poverty or with non-English speaking parents, over 80% never receive treatment.

Up to 20% of youth are diagnosed with a mental disorder in a given year. The most common diagnoses are Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and conduct disorders, all of which significantly impact behavior and attendance.

Nearly 57% of California children have had adverse experiences of trauma, such as domestic violence, abuse/neglect, divorce/family discord, and parental substance abuse or mental illness.  The rate is higher for youth in poverty.


Providing Mental Health Care at School Gives Children the Chance to Succeed

  • Of children and youth who are receiving mental health services, 70% are getting them at school.
  • Students who receive mental health services on campus report greater connection to school and more caring relationships with adults at school.
  • Mental health treatment in schools is associated with increased access for students of color – who might otherwise go without any treatment.
  • Students who receive mental health services on campus have lower suspension rates and get along better with peers than students who have mental health needs and do not receive school-based treatment.

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